A list of TV series I would like to watch / have watched, and a short comments on them, by category.
Recently I am migrating some microservices and streaming pipelines to AWS Fargate. This article mainly covers the issues, pitfalls and other useful notes when I was deploying a web backend with DataDog.
This short article aims to address issues I encountered during hosting personal static blog on Github Page.
I wrote this initially in our internal documentation website, so this is a very short note on how to setup Cloudwatch on AWS EC2.
I had watched this movie some years ago in the cinema, together with my friends. We learned one phrase that day - “Old sport”.
This article briefly records the step to reschedule a DAG on Apache Airflow
这几天读书时间不太固定,心情也比较浮躁,生活中事情也比较多。觉得《芳华》这本书的厚度也比较好欺负, 所以最终还是一头扎进了那个年代的想象。其实本来只想写一个朋友圈的,但是觉得,反正也闲着这段时间, 多写点东西也是好的,至少能动一下脑子。